Read Daniel 9:4-19 and Tehillah (Psalms) 27 daily in your time of reflection.
Yom Teruah will come quickly and we must be sure we are prepared. Let not Yeshuah our Judge look at us and say “I have been with you such a long time, and do you not know me? ” or worse yet He will say; “Get behind me Satan! For you have in mind not the things of Elohim, but the things of men.”
Yom Teruah begins on the 1st day of the seventh Biblical month. Following Elul are ten Days of Awe when it is believed the gate of heaven is uniquely open for our petitions and intercession. This season climaxes on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement).
These 40 days are a special time each year we spend praying, studying and interceding for the coming year.
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