I agree we are all different people’s coming from different cultures, locations of the world as a result of Bavel we have been dispersed and many other documented sins (Breaking Torah) over the last 5779 years. As a result of our unfaithfulness and lack of Emunah we ALL have become separate nations fighting against one another to prove our own nation is better than the other. Even amongst the Talmidin (Disciples) who were sitting next to Yeshua HaMashiak (YHWH in the flesh) they asked who will be first in HaMalkut. Luka 9: 46Then a reasoning entered into their minds as to who was the greatest among them. 47But Yeshua knew the reasoning of their hearts, and He took a boy and made him stand by Him. 48And He said to them, “Everyone who receives a little child like this one in my Name, receives me; and he who receives me receives Him who sent me; for whoever is least among you, he will be great.”
I see this telling me it does not matter where I come from or what I have become due to my past circumstances, when I am received as a liitle child the day I gave my “Whole life” to YHWH through the sacrifice of Yeshua HaMashiak, I step into HaMalkut HaElohim as a child adopted into HIS family. At this point I am given the freedom to Choose to follow the Mitzvah (Instructions) of HaMalkut HaElohim. Many have gone before us and it has been recorded of their decisions to not adhere to HIS Mitzvah. The end result has been destruction and separation.
Personally I have spent my whole life separated from YHWH and I fear this will happen again due to my own personal selfish deception. I am still the child trying to become an adult in HaMalkut HaElohim. For once I am surrounded by a body of people who have their own childish personality quirks, yet they ALL are striving to grow up in HaMalkut HaElohim to become servants to the 1 True King!
So bottom line: it does not matter your blood, DNA, culture or past upbringing as we have spoken about! What does matter is we all come together as Echad (1) under HaMalkut HaElohim through the blood of Yeshua HaMashiak HIS son who was and is our Messiah! When we do this we are all adopted/grafted and given opportunities to follow the Mitzvah of HaMalkut HaElohim in order to serve the one true YHWH of Avraham, Isaac and Jacob!
All the other debates about whether one tribe is apart of the kingdom or not is fruitless discussion!
And oh by the way, we can not grow up in HIS Kingdom as Soldiers for HIS Kingdom without attending training through an assembly that has aligned itself with HaDavar (YHWHs Word(Regulation)
Love each of you and pray you see it in your heart to be humble enough to come to Congregation Bat-Tzion to train and be apart of something bigger than any one of us!