You know that Elohim can speak to us anyway HE wants to. In the Torah, G-d used a donkey to ‘get through’ to the prophet Balim…through a donkey!! Hebrews says “From of old Eohim spoke to our fathers by the Nevi’im (prophets) in many forms and in many ways;”, to include appearing in the middle of a fiery bush, and by the cloud and pillar of fire.
Now I’m a simple woman, living in the country and raising chickens for eggs. It’s been hard work, to which my previous sedentary lifestyle wasn’t accustomed, but I have been thriving. I love life out on our little farmette. I’m so simple that I also believe Elohim hears every little cry of my heart. And as such, I ask Him for help and see His hand in SO MANY WAYS!!
This morning, a nice cool morning, by Texas standards, I decided to let my little flock free range in the 1/2 acre yard and this is a usual practice of ours even though my husband on several occasions said they should remain inside the taj mahal of a chicken coop we have built for them. And so sometimes they sneak through the wide fencing around the perimeter, but will always come right back inside. When I saw 5 of the younger ones slip underneath the gate today, I was hoping to see them back inside pretty promptly. I let a little time pass and then went to check on them finding them 1/2 block down the road. I got the chicken scratch, or crack as we call it sometimes. They love it and I can often get them to follow me for it. As I headed down the road, trying to attract them, and not scare them further away as I got close, they had no interest in scratch when there were so many bugs to find. As my son and I tried to move them carefully back toward the yard, one turned left and went under a hole in the neighbors fence. Then as chickens do they all followed the leader. Now this neighboring yard is 5 times the size of mine, and completely fenced in, with a locked gate, and seems like no one lives there at all. My son wiggled himself UNDER the same hole in the fence and tried to move them back to the hole, but to no avail. I went another block down the road to the front gate, but with it being locked, I didn’t want to climb it, nor open their gate manually for risk of being shot. This IS Texas after all. I told my son to climb back through the hole, and we went home, figuring on a loss of 5 young chickens and their potential eggs. Unless they found a way back home to roost at evening, I would have my flock cut in half.
I cried out to our Heavenly Father. PLEASE send Your chicks home. I had just prayed a morning prayer that says, “The Earth is YHVH’s and EVERYTHING in it!”
I had also told my husband about it, and asked Him to pray for their return. I finally realized that if I had just listened to him in the first place, submitting to the authority of Elohim THROUGH my husband, my covering, this would never have happened. He told me to leave them in the coop. I am so stubborn and hardheaded! I have seen this very thing in may other areas this year and see that I am not becoming less a woman by honoring my husband, but am fulfilling Abba’s will for me by trusting Elohim enough to care for me through the protection of my husband. When will I learn?
As we rounded up the remaining chickens and put them inside the safety of the pen, I looked up and there were 4 of the 5 chickens happily foraging in the bushes. HALLELUYAH! Elohai Heard my Prayers!!!!!! And answered SO QUICKLY! I was crying THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!
I’m still in awe and humbled. We often look at the examples of the Children of Israel who disobeyed G-d and were punished, or judged and we think, they should have learned by now. We shake our self-righteous heads at their foolishness in doing things their OWN way. It’s so clear to us. Really?
I am just as foolish, stubborn, hard headed and rebellious as Israel! If we are honest, aren’t we all? But I do know this. Avinu Malkeinu…our Father our King is Merciful and Gracious, Long-suffering and abundant in Goodness and Truth. He answers us when we turn to Him and do things HIS way. Not our own ideas of what His way is, but HIS WAY. Like Yeshua, who obeyed in EVERY way, though tempted like us. Maybe tempted to do things his own way too. Yet He did not sin. Not like us. We have this Yeshua, as our very own Savior who washed and washes away all our sin and that is why we can call our to G-d and say, “ABBA!!! Please send Your chickens home!!”
I promise you… He hears!!!!