Many of you may or may not know. Mamma T is a musician and she has been blessed with a talent that only comes from Elohim! I have posted a few new pieces she has put down on paper. We have been blessed to be surrounded by many others who Love יהוה with All their Mind, Heart and Soul. Each of them are talented with the desire to create music that glorifies HIS NAME! So please take the time to listen to the following songs. Each of them are GOD’s Word put to music. HE is the Creator of ALL things from Heaven and Earth! May this music bless you as it has many of us!
Music Written by Tamara K. Yard
Music Performed by Congregation Bat-Tzion Worship Band
[cpm-player skin=”classic-skin” width=”100%” playlist=”true” type=”audio”] [cpm-item file=”יהוה-Tamara-K.-Yard.mp3″]Shiru La יהוה – Tamara K. Yard[/cpm-item] [cpm-item file=”″]ToBeLikeYou-TamaraKYard-20200411[/cpm-item] [cpm-item file=”″]Aromimekha – Tamara K. Yard[/cpm-item] [cpm-item file=”″]Barki Nafshi[/cpm-item] [cpm-item file=”″]Mim’Kmo – Tino Aviles[/cpm-item] [/cpm-player]