Teshuvah alludes to a time of repentance linked to Moshe interceding 40 days when Israel sinned with the golden calf (Exodus 32).
Author: Troy Yard
Creator of ALL Things!
Many of you may or may not know. Mamma T is a musician and she has been blessed with a talent that only comes from Elohim! I have posted a few new pieces she has put down on paper. We have been blessed to be surrounded by many others who Love יהוה with All their…
Music We Love!
[cpm-player id=”1″]
What We Believe!
We believe that when one is born again, they become a son or daughter of Elohim, The Most High, and are to grow as sons and daughters by being Torah observant, steadfast in prayer, and non wavering in emunah [trust (faith)] in G-d. Yeshua [Salvation (Jesus)] answered, saying to him, “Amein, Amein, I say to…
Abba Remain in US!
Something Mamma T brought to Pappa T to chew on this morning! Very interesting how we can easily fall into this trap! When Pappa T and Mamma T had their first date sitting at Pappa T’s table eating Meat Loaf, Pappa T looked over at Mamma T and said “If I ever find myself in…
An Update!
Ladies and Gentlemen I just wanted to let you know Mamma T is better! Want to send a shout out and thank Rick and Deborah Penny for coming over and helping her out! Mamma T will need to rest at home and let her back recover. She wanted bad to come out to Torah Study…